
Donate To Shurat HaDin

For over twenty years, Shurat HaDin has been at the forefront of fighting terrorism, protecting the state of Israel and safeguarding Jewish rights worldwide. YOU make our work possible and we do not take that for granted. Thank you in advance for your support!

Tax-deductible credit card and check donations to Shurat HaDin can be made in the United States, Israel, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, and many European Union countries. Donations can be made in USD, CAD, and AUD. After your donation is processed, you will receive a thank you note and a tax receipt from Shurat HaDin or from our partner organizations.

Donate By Check
Credit Card Donations in Shekels
Credit Card Donations in AUD
Credit Card Donations in Every Other Currency
Donate by Legacy Gift or IRA
Other Ways to Donate
  1. Donations can also be made via wire and stock transfer.

Please contact us at [email protected] for instructions and/or for any questions regarding donations.